Title and Date of Original Live Program: “Brewing a Winning Case on Cross-Examination” July 23, 2021.
Format: VIDEO. This completely new and groundbreaking 4-hour training program will give you the techniques needed to win against child and adult sexual offense allegations. As you easily learn the techniques, you will become a much more impactful cross-examiner in all your future cases – regardless of the allegation.Your success at trial in a sexual assault case is reliant on the effectiveness of your cross-examination. This seminar does more than preach. It teaches how to become great at cross-examination now, not through multiple trial experiences but through the physical and mental preparation of our chapters of cross-examination.
Use The Chapter Method® to Win!
Winning crosses employ sophisticated methods of preparation and delivery. Pozner begins with insights from science on how people make decisions and how we can cause jurors to quickly embrace reasonable doubt. He then discusses the critical differences between constructive and destructive cross-examinations, while providing specific examples.
Pozner explains how the defense can easily apply the concepts of constructive cross-examination for using prosecution witnesses to bolster aspects of the defense. He demonstrates how in the defense of sex-assault cases we can adapt techniques from other kinds of cases, including DUIs, self-defense, and circumstantial evidence cases. And throughout the seminar Pozner shows examples of the chapters of cross that employ these techniques.
Pozner shows how techniques of cross we have already learned can easily be adapted for use in the defense of sexual assault cases. The result is that we don’t have to learn all-new techniques but can confidently defend sex assault cases using new techniques designed for sex defenses coupled with techniques adapted from other types of cases.
Pozner shows how one of the features of sex assault investigations can be turned against the prosecution. He illustrates how to find impeachments by charting the multiple interviews of the complaining witness, and how we find within prosecution’s witnesses the stories that will undermine the prosecution theory. Pozner then discusses how we efficiently turn these charts into powerful cross-examinations.