Title and Date of Original Live Program: “Cross-a-Palooza: Techniques for Winning with Effective Cross” August 3, 2023.
Format: VIDEO. Let Pozner teach you how to derail and impeach even the most evasive expert witness in just a matter of minutes. In this completely new and groundbreaking 4-hour training program, Pozner incorporates his technique, “The Chapter Method” of Cross-Examination as applied specifically to Forensic Experts. Learn it just once, and you can use it with spectacular results for the rest of your career. This entertaining, hands-on training offers you sample “chapters” and powerful sample scripts that you can tailor to your own facts when dealing with forensic experts, including:
-DNA Experts
-SANE Nurses & Examiners
-Sexual Assault Forensic Interviewers
-Financial Advisors & Investment Bankers
-Chemistry Experts & ACS Experts
-SFST Officers
-DRE Experts
-Police Officers
-Family Therapists & Counselors
-Forensic Pathologists & Death Investigators
-Pharmaceuatical Experts
-Strangulation & Blunt Force Trauma Experts
-Mental Health Experts
-Crime Lab Experts
-Abusive Head Trauma Experts
-Psychiatrists & PTSD Experts
-Social Workers
As you easily learn the techniques, you will become a much more impactful cross-examiner in all your future cases – regardless of the allegation. Seldom can we say a speaker “wrote-the book” on a subject. And rarely does a single book change a profession. For Larry Pozner, both are accurate. Pozner introduced the Chapter Method of Cross-Examination in 1993 in his book Cross-Examination: Science and Techniques, (Lexis 3rd edition, Pozner and Dodd.) It soon became the bible for lawyers intent on winning through cross-examination.