Title and Date of Original Live Program: "Solving the Mystery of DUI Acquittals" September 18-21, 2019.
Format: VIDEO. In this groundbreaking 4-hour program, Larry Pozner will discuss in detail the most effective methods for conducting a cross of the expert witness, including: The Chapter Method of Cross, confronting an evasive expert, selecting points of attack and dissecting and discrediting the police officer's SFST procedures.
Pozner calls his technique “The Chapter Method of Cross-Examination.” Learn it just once, and you can use it with spectacular results for the rest of your career. This entertaining, hands-on training offers you sample “chapters” and powerful sample scripts that you can tailor to your own facts. Let Pozner teach you how to derail your opponent and impeach the key witness – even the most evasive, memory-challenged or talkative one -- in just a matter of minutes.